Monday, May 25, 2009

yesterday had ss outing:) woohoo!!! hahaha. damn fun. split into 3 grps to take 3 cars to orchard cineleisure. met the guys who went to buy the tix then went burger king eat. bbq turkey bacon is nice okay..damn nice lah. lol. had a lot of fries left over so the guys played some retarded game to decide who eats it. yupp. so like they go use marcus's iphone the gun application then shoot, if u kenna means must eat part of the pile of fries in 1 mouthful. lol. quite disgusting lah. avery go spit the thing out halfway then stuff it back into his mouth again...T_T wth. saw css the benita she looks less fat. thats supposed to be a good thing btw. hahaha

went arcade 10 min. played the bball game then went movie le. night at the museum 2. super funny can. damn nice lah. dun understand why some ppl dun like..zzz. after movie went home le. while the guys continued at arcade. and naomi aand ruth went find stuff for their obs.

late today. really late. sian. dunno why leh. my alarm didn't work. and i bet u my sis was watching her stupid boys over flowers on her laptop yesterday until damn late that's why she also can't wake up..zzz. asshole lah.

can't stand this someone anymore. damn bitch lah. u think she's telling one of her stupid stories again right? you think she's talking crap? well i think you're the one who's talking crap. act like some stupid spoilt brat. okay..maybe not act lah. cos you're one in the first place. everything also complain. ppl treat u nice complain. not nice also complain. seriously, i have no idea how ur other friends can tolerate the way u behave lah. u think u damn cool by insulting other ppl is it? you're not. it just makes others hate u more. and i can't stand your stupid face either. wadever lah. anw there's only one word to describe u-bitch.

damn quiet today. didn't talk much. maybe cos i tired lah. or maybe cos i was pissed at this certain someone...zzz.

tmr going cch. damn sian. i have no idea how to go. hopefully my dad can send me..sian. if my class no nid go then i can go cca competition help out le lor. held in ahs. duh. tues and wed. sad lah. or else can pon tues and wed stuff. heard there's the financial literacy thing. sounds boring...

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.

maybe i shld just learn how to cope with it instead of complaining

Posted by chris:) at 4:39:00 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

kinda pissed now lah. my sis is irritating me again. as usual. kaopei.

morning ask her help me research some stuff for cos then she say cannot find. then now her stupid laptop can't connect to internet then expect me to lend her. wth. damn selfish lah.can't stand her. bet u later my mum will tell me let her use...everytime also like that de.

morning went bala. surprisingly he finished earlier cos i say i nid go early. hahahaa. like 10 min early. not late. for once.

damn it lah. my stupid sis acting emo now. wtf. in front of my mum some more. damn asshole sia. hate ppl like that. seriously i hate her lah. even if something happen and very obvious is her fault my mum will still side with her. so most of the time i just accept it lah. if i argue also useless..

then waited 20 min for my dad come fetch me. then went home eat. he went pentecost for friend wedding..zzz. then went church. now in church...forget it lah. no mood post le.

got scolded as expected. cos my mum want me share the bloody laptop with my sis. WTF. asshole. just cos she over there act emo. everytime like tht lah. just now ask her help she also dun wanna help right. some more go msg me say is my prob leh. then tell me use my own brain think. fucking bitch. hate her. everytime act like the world revolve around her. then boss ppl around. esp ppl younger than her. seriously hate her. and apparently now she trying to make my mum scold me and let her use the laptop. cb. kp. go die lah. my life would be less troublesome without her can. every morning slp like pig. evertytime nid either me or my dad wake up. even if she wake up she lie in her bed dun wanna move. then her alarm ring she also heck care. wtf. damn selfish lah. then everyday my dad send her to schl. send me to mrt only. so everytime of course she early i late lah. bitch. ask her move her fat ass faster also purposely do things slowly. hate her. hope nxt time she dun go ahs. anw also dun think she can make it lah. results like shit like that. dunno why my mum still so biased towards her. my ss full marks i show my dad he didn;t even say anything lah. bastard. hate my whole family. then he everytime only focus on all the bad stuff. thats why until now still havent show him my chem paper.,and i think they dun even bother lah. dun understand why i'm studying so hard. i could just forget everything. like just let go, become slack. take the easier path. my life would be so much better. why shld i even try to study and get As when they dun even give a damn about it. dun see the point of doing well for them to make them happy since they dun even care...maybe i shld have just not studied so hard last year. thn wouldnt have gotten into triple sci. and wouldnt have to worry about my results being below average...

Posted by chris:) at 5:59:00 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009

woohooo!!! going badminton!!! so long nvr go le... hahaha. bye

Posted by chris:) at 6:57:00 PM

eating chocolate chip cookie:) damn nice.

yesterday's pe was damn slack. captain's ball game super slow lah. passing slow. everything very slow. damn sian. playing with sec 2s more fun:) cos some ppl lah. keep waiting to throw to fedora and ruth....zzz. then waste so much time when the others were like right in front of him...dunno is blind or wad lah..

yesterday had cca, quite ok i guess..but,i had to ask them fall in alone T_T cos huizhen and lee hao at obs breifing. kinda weird lah..damn weird. then i told them go train mm and rgp then i wait for battery to charge finish. can't rmb wad i did while waiting for those 2 to come back. but the batt i think got prob lor. can't charge properly de. keep having connection break. sian. got back 2 mm robots le. but after that yuanhui dunno do wad then go sort of drop it then the motherboard slanted. so may have to fix again. lol. sec 1s programming is....the guys okay lah. their sppeed quite good. like RC tire speed. but not stable. the girls de...haiz. change a few time still same prob. in the end i can't take it go tell them wad to change. lol. but train more shld be ok bah...

wanted go *watch show*, but meeting end quite late cos of someone lor. waiting for his dad fetch so drag until super late. oh yah. got something happen. hahaha. cos jane still tying shoelace. then lee hao wanna scare her or smth go pretend close the lock thing. then the lock haven't lock properly yet, as in the lock not fit into the hole there. then he push down. and the thing locked...=.= lol. then can't open. we tried using force and using hairclip. both cannot. the other side lock le. so jane no choice have to climb over the wall thing. and lee hao go the other side demo and rescue her. lol. damn scary lah. she like gonna fall like that lor. but managed to climb to the other side. just hope we dun get scolded for not locking the thing properly lor...also not our fault mah, how we know can like that lock de....

anw. today and yesterday got back rest of the results. quite good. compared to the rest...zzz. like chem. damn.

geog: 32.5/50 not bad le. considering the fact that i didn't study...much
eng summary: 18/25 this one i dunno how they mark de. from 13 change to 18. lol.
eng situational: 24/30 wow...
eng compo: 26/30 WOW. lol. highest in class...

the compo is i read the ahs compo book thing then got the idea. so i change it a bit. hahaha. cool lah. first time trying that method. so i guess nxt time i read more short stories then use the idea and edit the storyline. it works:)

i think that's all le lah...for the results. the rest i wrote before.

oh. today ss switch with sel. then some ppl wanted to change grp for show and share. ms noriff say okay. then naturally, the cliques got tgt. bennett suggested 2D grp tgt. then split into 2 grps. then 2A ppl also grp tgt. then ms noriff face a bit not happy le. had photo taking. come back that time she sort of talked to us lah. not really scold. but she say. now we're 3C' 09, so we shld try to bond tgt and not stick to 2D'08 or 2A'08 or PRCs. which i thought kinda made sense lah. cos that's wad we could all see in class. i mean beginning of the year if u haven't started making friends with others ok lah. can see why you'll stick with ppl u noe mah. but for goodness sake its alr 5 months. gonna be 6 soon. shldn't u ppl like stop clinging on to past memories or wadever and mix around? at first its okay. but after a while it gets damn irritating. for everyone. yah. so i guessed she was pissed esp at bennett with the way he talked lor. its damn obvious lah. but not sure whether those ppl realise. cos when someone's talking about u of course you'll try to defend yourself and make excuses. but i thought it made sense lah. and for some ppl who thought she was crapping and said that u hate this kind of crap talk then why do u even do that? like keep sticking to only ppl u know. u thought she was crapping only cos she was talking about u guys and u didn't want to admit that u were in the wrong. that's wad i thought about wad u said. and seriously, u shld just stand in other ppl's shoes and think about whether wad miss noriff said made sense. cos i think she really tried her best to not accuse anyone of anything and just say in general lah. and she was like almost tearing if u haven't noticed. almost. yupp. that's all. no offense, but that's wad i felt lah.

thought that the 2A ppl quite nice alr lah. at least they're trying to mix around. but some of the 2D ppl still...dunno how to say. u shld noe who u are. but the rest are nice lah. most are nice actually. and for those 2D ppl who read this. dun worry lah. i'm not talking about u guys. cos the person i'm talking about doesn't even come to my but if that person happens to see this then good for u. i won't take back wad i said.

realised that when i'm deep in thought i'll not respond if u talk to me. so dun think i angry or dao u if i nvr reply. lol. yupp. but if i angry i really will sit there and just shut up.

Posted by chris:) at 5:11:00 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

...feel tired. got back almost all papers today. except geog. zzz. wlao. its like every lesson get back then so nervous then when finally okay le then nxt lesson give back paper again...

not bad lah. can't rmb though..ermm.

emath: 64/80
amath: 65/80
eng compre: 15/25 ( zzzz. disappointing.)
physics: 74/100 ( wow. impossible. a lot of ppl only 50 plus leh. how can..)
ss: zzz. no need say le lah. later kenna suan some more..

yah. that's all. geog tmr. sure die de that one. REALLY die. cos didn't really study hahaha.
ss kinda unexpected though. like how can lah. the first test i fail leh. how can suddenly full marks de...i think the marker got prob lah. lol. recess that time we were still speculating who got full marks. wth. i was stoning when miss noriff announced the ss thing. then i think she called my name. lol. yah. but main point: i was stoning. then only heard some ppl screraming. lol. and some idiot sitting nxt to me whack me so hard. yah. then everyone staring at me. so i guess i was lagging. then i thought: huh? did she just say my name? huh? u mean i get full marks? how can? impossible lah. confirm count wrongly de.

then after 10 sec...: WTH!!! I GOT FULL MARKS???? WHAT?!??!!? shit. so unexpected

yupp. lol. a lot of ppl also didn't guess it would be me. hahaha. i also didn't expect. like wth. hahaha. my paper there got one qn actually is L4/6 de. but the teacher cancel the 6 write 7. lol. so i think is she see i one more mark full marks so just give me lor. LOL. wow. i really thought i gonna fail leh. cos that time i chiong like siao. and i write the last sentence just nice 1 min before finish. no time hahaha. must thank god. cos i was kinda depressed about my chem. so i guess everything happens for a reason. and i fail one subject doesn't mean won't get good results for the rest. just hope my geog dun pull it down..

damn weird lah. chem i lowest in class. shld be lah. 51 leh. then ss highese. i think my brain a bit got prob or something lah. my results range too extreme le lah.

but still..whether good all bad. everything's in god's hands. hahaha. so there's nothing i can do but think of a way to let my dad sign it without scolding me...zzz. hate chem

Posted by chris:) at 6:45:00 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009

I AM PISSED. at everything. seriously. this life sucks. i hate it.

got back some results today. sucks man.

bio: 66/100
chinese: 61/90
chem: 51/100

WTF IS THIS LAH. can't believe it. i used to count on my chinese getting A1 if not A2. now its like...B3. dun even have ONE PATHETIC A. except maybe amath...WTH. screwed mye. super damn pissed with myself. when i got back chem paper i know i get very lousy results. but nvr expected it to be so low. i thought that the lowest i could get was at least 60. then after i got back i sit there 5 min dun wanna see the marks. then heard may got 52. and i was wondering..WTH. so low? i shld be able to at least get more than that right? so i happily flipped over the stupid fucking paper. and there it was. big fat stupid 51. WTH. felt like just crushing the whole bloody paper and throwing it away in the bin. i hate mrs lam seriously. she set hard paper nvm lah. then her marking scheme also so damn strict. bloody hell. thanks a lot lah. she just ruined my results for chem. SA1. and my dad's gonna scold me like shit. damn it lah.

after i got back i seriously damn pissed. bad mood rest of chem lesson. and those ppl who think i'm sad or wadever. thanks lah. but not sad. just super damn pissed. like. how the hell can i even get a 51? i nvr get so low for any subject before can. but thanks lah. at least eng okay. mrs hudd was nice. let us watch slumdog millionare. that show is nice lah. haha. lifted my spirits a bit. before some idiot last minute tell me got cca. wth. then i over there watch halfway pissed again. at least can tell like during recess nxt time? i got plans wan leh. yah. planned to go buy present for yan min which is her super belated bday present. and i promised to give her by this wk. so didn't go cca. even if i go i'll be in a bad mood during meeting. dun wanna affect other ppl mood also lah. so i just dun go lor. first time i'm choosing friends over cca. so i guess wad i said at the interview isn't really true lah. that cca comes second. after family. cos now i doesn't seem that important to me anymore. like hius sheung wrote in the letter to cheer me up. friends will always be there. yah. so..thanks guys. think i'll be putting cca behind. studies first. slacked too much alr. seriously changed since last yr. dun see the point of studying anymore. if only i could just drop it.

stressed now lah. wondering how and when to show my dad the results. he says that as long as i try my best its okay. but i know when i show him he'll still scold me. cos its not okay at all. why is this stupid world only caring about results anw. i hate it. bloody irritating. so wad if u get good results? that won't help u when u grow up will it? not like at ur job they'll ask u go calculate how many moles of water there are or wadever shit.

yah. still damn pissed lah. anw. just now went buy the jewellery box for yan min. hahaha. its kinda nice actually. but quite ex. for something so small. lazy post pics. nxt time....procrastinating again...yah. and we bought marshmallows to pput in the box. so cute. lol. its nice lah. for the first time, i agree with amanda's taste.

thats all. there's cca on wed i think. but i really dun feel like going. maybe will be better for some ppl if i dun go lah. i dunno.

too late for regrets. only thing i can do now is pay more attention in class, try not to fall asleep, and study earlier in advance for exams. hope eoy will be much better.

you know what? i think i'll just throw my chem paper away. like right now. that'll solve everything.

Posted by chris:) at 4:15:00 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009

brief description on wad happened last week..zzz

had exams. duh. lol. but played tap tap revenge on jolyn's phone for like almost everyday lah. yah. then fri cos we dun have e lit. so we waited 3 hours plus to go make ic. sian. went simpang eat lunch. then came back. played heart attack, animal game blah blah blah. lol. fedora's invention: the swan. damn funny. like when the game speed quite fast then swan must be slow and graceful. super funny.

after that went jumbo, some seafood restaurant eat dinner with my whole family. meaning aunty uncle grandma...yupp. got crab leh:):):) and dessert: mango pudding :D:D:D:D:D LOL. after that drive back home that time saw this lime green sports car. which is super cool and damn damn nice. damn cool lah. shld see the way the person drive can. he just cut into the line like so easy lah. LIME GREEN LEH. tuition:D saw some filming thing at my house the carpark there...zzz boliao ppl lah. last sat also have. that is at the 1st floor. not carpark. driveway i guess. quite cool. got pic but quite blur. dunno my phone lah. idiot de.

sunday: parent's day performance by cos and ss kids. quite nice lah. but we were forced to stand at the front of the stage and do actions. wth. some of the cos leaders only lah. sian. then came home. studied. my dad went buy stuff for my mum. and he helped me buy hersheys cookie and cream chocolate give her. hahaha. cos i nid study mah. so he go buy i pay him lor. yupp. then went dinner. had crab AGAIN. and i dunno how. but i think the shell poke my lip. and then it was swollen. lol. only one part lah. dunno lah. almost everytime i eat crab like that de.

yesterday went tampines 1 with jolyn and may and edna and some last yr 2D ppl. i dunno wad i was doing there. lol. cos i dun wanna go cathay watch movie. so far. then also need go home early teach my sis sci. wth. yah. lunched at subway. where about 7 of us ordered the same thing. EXACT SAME THING. LOL. i think the guy making feel damn sian also. make the same thing 7 times in a row. lololol. then went tampines mall walk around. went toys r us. where we met some idiotic ppl from pasir ris sec i think. walao, damn ahlian lah. then cos we crowding around some toy thing. then they wanna take something from there they go say in this very rude voice : excuse me. twice. like we can't hear meh. and i hate that arrogant look on their stupid faces lah. like they own the place like that meh. wth. then the situation like quite awkward, so we left. hahaha. walked round some more. met more ppl. from ahs. then went the open plaza there awhile. play tap tap until no batt. and went home...

btw. i think i'm lagging but i just realised today is friday. which means tuition tmr. WTH. I DUN WANNA GO BALA LAH. EXAMS ALR OVER CAN'T HE JUST GIVE US A BREAK. super sian-ed now. sunday maybe going my grandma hse. for fun. hahaha.

Posted by chris:) at 9:47:00 AM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

i am damn bored. i lazy post everything lah. maybe tmr. maybe not at all.

but this time felt so unprepared for exams. esp geog and bio. sian. and chem. i only have confidence in amath lah. wth. which is quite weird. tmr no schl. shld be packing my room bah. or playing xbox lor. sick of com le. after dunno how many hours

Posted by chris:) at 6:50:00 PM